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The Process Work Institute is a non-profit educational institute devoted to vocational education, research and training in Process-oriented Psychology, also known as Processwork. 
The Institute was founded in Oregon in 1989, and is a registered non-profit, 501 (C) (3), since 1991.


Process is the potentially meaningful flow of inner and outer signals that can be observed in individuals and groups. 

Processwork facilitation works with behaviors, feelings, interactions, expression and inner experiences to elicit unexpected solutions and meaning from the most difficult problems.

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Our vision

Our vision is of a sustainable, flourishing, deeply democratic world that values all viewpoints and all levels of experience, and facilitates their interaction in order to reveal the potential meaning and growth that lies at the heart of even the most disturbing human experiences.

We dream of a world where everyone has the skills, understanding and ability to facilitate the process of relating (to oneself, to others, to the world) because we have seen how this can bring unexpected solutions and relief to many areas of human striving, including personal and social development; post-war recovery; conflicts in organizational, social and domestic settings; interpersonal issues; and individual distress and life challenges.

Our mission is to provide vocational, high quality training in Processwork facilitation methods and applications across individual, relationship, group and organizational contexts and to serve as a center for the teaching, research and development of techniques for working with process.

Our mission serves a diverse local and international community of learners seeking quality education and training delivered through a rigorous combination of academic and vocational study; practical and experiential learning; personal development and social awareness.

Arnold Mindell - founder of Processwork

Processwork was developed by Jungian author and analyst Arnold Mindell as a therapeutic modality in the 1980s.  Dr. ARNOLD MINDELL, or Arny, is known for the development of the concept of the “Dreambody” and for establishing the paradigm  of “Process Work” (process oriented psychology) which  integrates psychology, ecology and physics. He teaches with his wife Amy around the world, and is also in private practice in Portland, Oregon. 

Arny is the author of more than 23 books in over 35 languages, including Dreambody, The Shaman’s Body, Quantum Mind, Quantum Mind and Healing. He is known for his work on dreams, bodywork, relationships, and for interventions in near death situations. . He is also known in the areas of diversity work and conflict management for his books, Sitting in the Fire, and The Deep Democracy of Open Forums.  His more recent works, including ProcessMind: A User’s Guide to The Mind of God, and Dance of the Ancient One, bring psychology, physics and spiritual traditions closer to one another. 

Find out more about Arnold and Amy Mindell

Over the last thirty years of application and research, Processwork is now more commonly described as an “awareness practice,” as its methods are applied in a wide range of situations, as a form of inner work and leadership development, as a facilitation method for organizational and group work, conflict situations, and large public forums, as a therapy method for individuals, couples, and families, and as a method for working with comatose and remote states of consciousness.

Some history of the Process Work Institute

The Process Work Institute continues the tradition of Processwork training and research begun in 1982 with the founding of the Research Society for Process-oriented Psychology in Zurich, Switzerland by Arnold Mindell and his colleagues.

In 1989, the Process Work Center of Portland, later renamed the Process Work Institute, was incorporated in Oregon as a center for training and research in Process Work. It received authorization from the State of Oregon to offer a Master of Arts degree in Process Work, in January, 1992. A second Master of Arts degree program in Conflict Facilitation and Organizational Change began in 2004.

This school is a non-profit corporation and is authorized by the State of Oregon to offer and confer the academic degrees described in the Program Catalog, following a determination that state academic standards will be satisfied under OAR 583-030. Inquiries concerning the standards or school compliance may be directed to the Office of Degree Authorization, 775 Court St NE, Salem, Oregon 97301.
The Institute serves as a center for personal and professional growth, offering several degree and non-degree programs and courses in a wide variety of Processwork applications.

The Process Work Institute is part of the International Association of Process Oriented Psychology, and one of many centers world wide dedicated to furthering our understanding of the fundamental problems facing individuals and groups today, using the methods and spirit of inquiry found in Processwork.

Our learning environment

Views the individual and his or her unique personal style as an integral part of the learning process

Fosters an atmosphere of collaboration, experimentation, and mutual discovery in learner-teacher interaction

Provides intensive and experiential instruction using online learning modes of delivery 

Connects the student’s skill development to his or her own personal process and unique style

Emphasizes the role of community and relationship in the learning process

Promotes dialogue, inclusion, and intercultural competence

Our values

Awareness, diversity, learning, relationship, collaboration 
commitment to ongoing personal growth
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The Process Work Institute welcomes all students. It does not discriminate based on age, ethnicity, gender, gender identity, disability, marital status, national origin, race, religion, or sexual orientation. This policy of non-discrimination applies to all aspects of admission, education, employment, student activities, and other school-administered programs.
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