Resources for the work you need to do
The Process Work Institute is a non-profit educational institute devoted to vocational education, research and training in Process-oriented Psychology, also known as Processwork. The Institute was founded in Oregon in 1989, and is a registered non-profit, 501 (C) (3), since 1991.
The Institute was founded in Oregon in 1989, and is a registered non-profit, 501 (C) (3), since 1991.
Process is the potentially meaningful flow of inner and outer signals that can be observed in individuals and groups.
Processwork facilitation works with behaviors, feelings, interactions, expression and inner experiences to elicit unexpected solutions and meaning from the most difficult problems.
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Our vision
Our vision is of a sustainable, flourishing, deeply democratic world that values all viewpoints and all levels of experience, and facilitates their interaction in order to reveal the potential meaning and growth that lies at the heart of even the most disturbing human experiences.
We dream of a world where everyone has the skills, understanding and ability to facilitate the process of relating (to oneself, to others, to the world) because we have seen how this can bring unexpected solutions and relief to many areas of human striving, including personal and social development; post-war recovery; conflicts in organizational, social and domestic settings; interpersonal issues; and individual distress and life challenges.
Our mission is to provide vocational, high quality training in Processwork facilitation methods and applications across individual, relationship, group and organizational contexts and to serve as a center for the teaching, research and development of techniques for working with process.
Our mission is to provide vocational, high quality training in Processwork facilitation methods and applications across individual, relationship, group and organizational contexts and to serve as a center for the teaching, research and development of techniques for working with process.
Our mission serves a diverse local and international community of learners seeking quality education and training delivered through a rigorous combination of academic and vocational study; practical and experiential learning; personal development and social awareness.