Facilitating Dynamics of Systemic Oppression— An Overview

Recorded  Introductory Workshop To Help You Better Understand and Develop Your Skills in Facilitating the Dynamics of Systemic Oppression.

Recorded live November-December 2021
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Dealing with diversity issues is one of the fundamental challenges of our times. The push towards marriage equality, the #MeToo movement, and #BlackLivesMatter have been instrumental in raising awareness of these important dynamics. Yet as a society, we remain as polarized and divided as ever. These tensions get reflected in our organizations, teams, families and even in our relationships. Understanding and then facilitating these dynamics of systemic oppression is one of the keys in how we move towards a society that has fairness, justice and equity as its fundamental tenets.
This introductory workshop is designed to provide participants with an overview of four key dynamics we are required to understand and then build our facilitation skills around in order to more effectively work with these complicated and entrenched themes.

How You May Benefit From This Presentation

- Discover a deeper understanding of how systems of oppression manifest and perpetuate themselves

- Learn  four key dynamics which make facilitating  systems of oppression challenging

- Learn the skills and tools that will enable you to facilitate these dynamics more effectively

- Understand the relationship between systems of oppression and trauma from a facilitation perspective

- See how your own experience of oppression and privilege can both support and undermine your facilitation effectiveness
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Enjoy the free introductory workshops!

Then join Errol and Lane in 2022 to take your learning deeper ...
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2022 Facilitating Dynamics Training
Registrations Now Open!

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Participant numbers limited - register now so you do not miss out

Who is This For?

This introductory workshop is designed for people who would benefit from deepening their understanding of systemic oppression and developing their ability to facilitate these complex and painful dynamics. Therefore this workshop will be suitable to people in the following roles:

- Facilitators, consultants and coaches
- Therapists working with issues of trauma, oppression and equity
- Educators and social workers
- Organizational leaders wanting to create more inclusive cultures

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Free Workshop Schedule

Choose from two options to determine what's best for you

Option 1
Monday 11/29
5 pm - 6:30 pm

Option 2
Wednesday 12/15
11 am - 12:30 pm

Times are Based on Portland, OR USA (PST)
             Use This Handy Tool To Help You Determine the Course Times Where You Live:

Current Date and Time in Portland, OR USA (PST)

About the Instructors

Lane Arye

Lane Arye, PhD is a senior Processwork trainer and a founding faculty member of PWI. Whether teaching, working in private practice, facilitating community and organizational conflicts, or learning & training alongside social justice groups, Lane partners with people to help create more inner and outer freedom and wholeness. 
He co-led a six-year UN funded project in the Balkans that brought together Serbs, Croats, and Muslims after the war to work with ethnic tension, post-war trauma, and build sustainable community. He does a lot of training and inner work around race, whiteness and resilience, and is a member of the Racial Justice Collaborative. 

Errol Amerasekera

Errol Amerasekera has a Masters degree in Conflict Facilitation and Organizational Change and works primarily within elite sport, in the areas of culture, leadership and high-performance. He also has a B.Sci., a B.App.Sci. and is a Diplomate in Process Oriented Psychology.

Errol has over 15 years experience working as a consultant, trainer and senior facilitator. He has worked with organisations, schools, NGOs, as well as in international war zones such as Sri-Lanka. 

Errol is a keynote speaker on the connection between leadership, culture and high-performance and the value of a human-centric and relationship focused approach to sustained success.

Take Your Ability to Understand and Navigate Systemic Oppression to the Next Level

Space is Limited - Sign Up Today

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Important Participation Information

Privacy & Recordings

Workshops are recorded to provide on demand access and the opportunity to review and study deeply over time.   Please be aware that workshops are recorded . If you speak or show your camera, you will become part of the recording, available to other enrolled participants  via the course site. 


This course is a confidential, adult learning environment. Participant privacy and confidentiality is extremely important for everyone's safety and learning. Please ensure that you keep other participant's personal information private and confidential and do not share identifying details beyond the course participant group. 

Experiential Training

This course is a confidential, adult learning environment focused on personal and community transformation. The activities may elicit emotional and psychological stress. If you have experienced psychological difficulties either in the past or present that may impact your participation, please consider carefully if this event is right for you. While all care is taken to support individuals, each person is responsible for their own needs and boundaries. By registering for the course, you agree to take personal responsibility for your experience and to seek out support if you need it. 

English Language

This course is presented in English with an awareness and sensitivity to the experience of those for whom English may be a second (or third or fourth) language. We welcome a multilingual group and ask for shared awareness of the challenges of using English when it is a second language. Participants should ensure they are comfortable with their own level of understanding of English conversation and instruction.