2021 Leadership Intensive: August 25-30, 2021

Leadership and Coaching Tools that Lead to Personal and Collective Transformation

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Become the leader you dream to be. Join us for a powerful, experiential immersion into process oriented leadership concepts, tools and practices. Learn from an experienced, international teaching team (USA, South Africa, India, Australia, Canada) with 18 training hours over six days (attend live or catch up with class recordings). Renew your purpose, disrupt habitual patterns, find deeper resources for effective, transformational leadership. Learn, share, deepen, and grow with a group of international learners. 
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2021 Leadership Intensive

August 25-30, 2021

A Powerful, Experiential Immersion into Process Oriented Leadership Concepts, Tools and Practices

Resource the Work You Need To Do

Leadership Skills and Coaching Techniques Designed to Transform Your Work

Engage and Collaborate with a Group of International Learners Over Six Days to Renew Your Purpose and Access New Resources

The 2021 Leadership Intensive

Processwork Guides You to Follow Your Dreams, Unlock Your Potential, Deepen Your Relationships and Excel in Your Professional Life.

The Leadership Intensive Will Help You:

  • Learn new tools and techniques to transform your leadership practice.
  • Connect with colleagues, establish new relationships and build your network.
  • Discover new techniques for coaching leaders and teams.
  • Cultivate wisdom-based leadership.
  • Enrich teamwork and increase effectiveness.
  • Learn interventions to enhance the wisdom of organizational systems.
  • Find your own unique leadership contribution from the intersection of purpose, context and role.
the 2021 Leadership Intensive

Work With and Learn From an
Experienced International Team 

- 18 Course Hours Over 6 Days
- Experiential - Online - Immersive
- Attend Live or With Class Recordings

August 25, 3-6pm PST:
"Wisdom Leadership: Organizational Applications of Process Work in Coaching Individual Leaders and their Teams"
with Stephen Schuitevoerder

August 26, 3-6pm PST:
"Experiential Exercises for Helping Leadership Teams and Organizational Systems Get To Know Themselves Better"
with Cathy Bernatt

August 27, 3-6pm PST:
"Politician as Facilitator: Processwork Tools for Politicians, Leaders and Public Speakers"
with Dawn Menken

August 28, 3-6pm PST:
"Your Purpose, Your Leadership"
with Errol Amerasekera

August 29, 6-9pm PST (note later time):
"Life Lessons for Leaders. Stories from the East"with Anuradha Deb

August 30, 3-6pm PST:
"Closure: Bringing our Leadership into the World: Group Focus, Innerwork and Case Supervision"
with Errol Amerasekera & Dawn Menken
The 2021 Leadership Intensive

Course Details & Times

August 25 @ 3-6pm (PST)
Instructor - Stephen Schuitevoerder

Process Work has so many wonderful skills that when framed and applied skillfully can be transformative in coaching leaders and facilitating their teams. Over the last twenty years I have experimented with these applications in a range of organizational and corporate environments and have found some superb outcomes for leaders and their teams. These skills not only lead to enriched leaders and more effective teams, but call to the cultivation of wisdom in leaders and their organizations. Many of these skills are important and sometimes lacking in all of us as leaders today. In this 3-hour class I will frame some of the skills of Process Work that I use in organizations and how we can apply these towards the transformation of leaders and organizational systems..

Stephen Talks About the Course

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About the Instructor: Dr. Stephen Schuitevoerder is an international consultant, lecturer and facilitator based in Portland, Oregon. He has consulted and presented seminars, lectures and workshops throughout the world, including South Africa, Australia, Russia, Japan, Europe, South America, Mexico and the United States on a wide range of topics such as diversity issues, team building, change management, executive development, and organizational conflict. Stephen’s work includes country strategic planning, change management and executive team facilitation for the United Nations; executive consulting and team facilitation for educational non-profits such as Esalen Institute and Oregon Health Science University; and team facilitation and consultations for medium to large corporations such as Toyota, Citi Bank, Investec Bank, Woolworths, Old Mutual Insurance and Providence Health Care.


August 26 @ 3-6pm (PST)
Instructor - Cathy Bernatt

This workshop will be highly interactive, enabling participants to engage in each of the exercises in small and large groups.

You will learn an approach for having robust leadership conversations that are non-transactional and that focus on deepening team dynamics & relationships.

You will learn an interactive systems method for navigating leadership challenges cross-functionally in an organization and having the system learn to know itself better.

You will learn lessons from a series of Executive & Team Coaching Case studies that will be presented.

You will learn an interactive way of identifying the individual and collective “metaskills” of teams.

Cathy Talks About the Course

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About the Instructor: Cathy Bernatt's mission is to empower people and organizations to realize their unlimited potential. She brings more than 30 years experience coaching teams and individuals ranging from CEO’s of multi-national corporations, to new managers in both profit and not-for-profit organizations around the world including Japan, Hong Kong, Singapore, Canada, South Africa, the U.S. and Central, Eastern & Western Europe. She brings a wealth of experience in the areas of leadership, systems thinking, innovation, communication, and diversity, equity and inclusion. Cathy is a Professionally Certified Coach (ICF PCC), a Professional Facilitator (IAF) and holds three graduate degrees: M.A. Leadership Studies, M.A. Conflict Facilitation & Organizational Change, M.A. Process Work


August 27 @ 3-6pm (PST)
Instructor - Dawn Menken

This workshop introduces how Processwork ideas can be translated into interventions and attitudes useful in the political sphere or public square. To improve our collective discourse, leaders must go beyond a stated platform and be able to position themselves as facilitators. Together we will explore interventions and practice possible speeches in order to address polarities, deepen dialogue, and respond to criticism. Material for this class can be found in Dawn’s new book, Facilitating A More Perfect Union: A Guide for Politicians and Leaders, set to come out before the start of this class.

Dawn Talks About the Course

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About the Instructor: Dawn Menken, Ph.D, is a certified process worker, group facilitator, conflict resolution educator, workshop leader, and coach. A senior faculty member at the Process Work Institute in Portland, Oregon, Dawn has been a co-creator of various Master of Arts programs and supports many of the PW programs world-wide. She is the founder and director of Teens Rise Up, a summer leadership intensive for youth. Dawn enjoys facilitating multi-cultural groups and has worked in organizations, agencies, small businesses, and schools. She is a passionate teacher and facilitator with a special devotion to relationship and building sustainable community. She is the author of Raising Parents Raising Kids: Hands-on Wisdom for the Next Generation, and Speak Out! Talking About Love, Sex, and Eternity, and her recent publication, Facilitating A More Perfect Union: A Guide for Politicians and Leaders.


August 28 @ 3-6pm (PST)
Instructor - Errol Amerasekera

We frequently view leadership predominantly through the lens of ‘contextual rank’. This means we tend to relinquish the responsibility (and burden) of leadership to the CEO, the Captain or our politicians. However, we are all leaders. If you are part of a community group, a sporting team, an organisation or even a family, you are a leader; and in these challenging times your leadership is required! The most effective leadership happens at the intersection of purpose, context and role. For that to happen we need to be deeply connected to our personal purpose or the "why" of our existence, and then ask ourselves "How can my leadership provide me with an opportunity to be of service to my personal purpose?" 
In this session we will deepen our understanding and awareness of our personal purpose and then use that to explore ways we can increase the effectiveness of our leadership. The session will comprise of minimal presented theory, personal reflection (inner work) and group discussion. There will also be an opportunity for case presentation and/or supervision around a challenge you may be experiencing in your leadership practice.

Errol Talks About the Course

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About the Instructor: Errol Amerasekera has a Masters degree in Conflict Facilitation and Organisational Change and works primarily with organisations in the areas of culture, leadership and high-performance. He also has a B.Sci., a B.App.Sci. and is a Diplomate in Process Oriented Psychology. Errol has over 15 years experience working as a consultant, trainer and senior facilitator. He has worked with organisations, schools, NGOs, as well as in international war zones such as Sri-Lanka. He is passionate about creating a safer and more just world for all by mediating conflict, coaching ethical leadership, and facilitating transformation in individuals, elite teams and organisations. Errol is a keynote speaker on the connection between leadership, culture and high-performance and the value of a human-centric and relationship focused approach to sustained success.


August 29 @ 6-9 pm (PST)
Instructor - Anuradha Deb

Leadership is a seriously complex and complicated concept in today's world. Having seen a fundamental panoramic change in view of the definition of this word and how it is understood, I bring a few eastern concepts that have helped leaders who I have worked with. In this class we will work with fundamental Eastern philosophical view points that are also rooted in PW and see how to understand and apply some of these for leaders. A few case studies and stories will be shared perhaps to change some perspectives and attitudes.

Anu Talks About the Course

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About the Instructor: Anuradha Deb, MSC, B Ed, MA, PW Diol. PM (ISABS) and IFC- accredited coach. Mumbai based psychotherapist and transformational coach, Anuradha Deb has been studying and practicing process work since 1992. The first Indian PW Diplomate from the Process Work Institute in Portland, Oregon, she founded the Process Work Institute of India in 1996 with the vision of spreading awareness and education about Arny Mindell’s Process Work in India and surrounding countries.
Anuradha specializes in the areas of Organisational Development, Leadership Development and coaching and has a richness of experience that she considers rare and valuable in this field. Interweaving this experience with eternally applicable Indian and Eastern philosophical / psychological thought, she enriches the experience of leadership training and coaching.
When not in consensus reality, she loves to dance, listen to music and wonder about life in general.


August 30 @ 3-6pm (PST
Instructors - Errol Amerasekera & Dawn Menken

In this last session, Errol and Dawn will focus on integration and shared learnings by focusing on innerwork and group experience, as well as the cases and situations that group members would like to share and discuss as we continue to take our leadership into the world.

Take Your Practice to the Next Level

The 2021 PWI Leadership Intensive
August 25-30, 2021

Space is Limited...Sign Up Today

Do I Need Any Special Background To Attend?  

No prior knowledge is required. This intensive will introduce you to a powerful transformational approach to leadership and coaching, developed by Arnold Mindell, PhD, known as Processwork or Process Oriented Psychology.
  For more information, go to the About Processwork page or visit our blog to read diverse perspectives and applications of the work.   

Financial Equity
PWI recognizes the global financial disparities that unequally impact people's opportunities to participate. PWI offers equity options whenever possible. If you wish to attend but are impacted by financial disadvantage, please contact us via email at:

Important Participation Information

Privacy & Recordings

Workshops are recorded to provide on demand access and the opportunity to review and study deeply over time.   Please be aware that workshops are recorded (except for break out groups). If you speak or show your camera, you will become part of the limited time recording, available to other enrolled participants  via the course site. Course site and workshop recordings available until September 30, 2021.


The Intensive is a confidential, adult learning environment. Participant privacy and confidentiality is extremely important for everyone's safety and learning. Please ensure that you keep other participant's personal information private and confidential and do not share identifying details beyond the course participant group. 

Experiential Training

The Leadership Intensive is a confidential, adult learning environment focused on personal and community transformation. The activities may elicit emotional and psychological stress. If you have experienced psychological difficulties either in the past or present that may impact your participation, please consider carefully if this event is right for you. While all care is taken to support individuals, each person is responsible for their own needs and boundaries. By registering for the Intensive, you agree to take personal responsibility for your experience and to seek out support if you need it. 

English Language

The Intensive is taught in English, with an awareness and sensitivity to the experience of those for whom English may be a second (or third or fourth) language. We welcome a multilingual group and ask for shared awareness of the challenges of using English when it is a second language. Participants should ensure they are comfortable with their own level of understanding of English conversation and instruction.