17 Days of Growth and Community
The 2022 Processwork
Winter Intensive
Resources, Tools, Training and Support
for Personal and Collective Transformation
Early Registration - $1450 Until Dec. 17th - Use Discount Code: WIEARLYDec17
What is Process Oriented Psychology?
Process Oriented Psychology supports individuals, relationships and groups to discover themselves.
Processwork uses awareness to track emerging psychological and physical processes that can illuminate and help to resolve inner and outer issues including personal growth and the facilitation of relationship, team, and world challenges.
Process Oriented Psychology is an evolving, trans-disciplinary approach to change facilitation and a multicultural, multi-level awareness practice for individuals, relationships, and organizations in all states of consciousness.
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What if you could?
17 DAys in January - 2022 Introductory Intensive
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Discover Processwork
The 2022 Processwork Intensive Course offers a comprehensive introduction to the essentials of Processwork theory, skills, and metaskills. With lectures, experiential exercises, demonstrations, group processes and community building, we will guide you on a journey through the depths of Processwork and its various applications. Topics we will cover include Processwork fundamentals, dream and bodywork, relationship and family therapy, small and large group work, and working with non-ordinary states of consciousness such as those found in addictions and extreme states.
A Deeply Intimate Introduction
Engage with a group of international learners over 17 Days to immerse, renew, connect and recharge.
Each week supports live workshop access for multiple time zones, and all workshops are available via video recordings.
Catch up with recordings for classes that you can't attend live. Share your learnings and ask questions through the confidential course discussion space.
Catch up with recordings for classes that you can't attend live. Share your learnings and ask questions through the confidential course discussion space.
- Explore practical, skill building, experiential techniques, exercises and theory.
- Integrate your learnings and insights with closing session: innerwork, open seat and group process.
- Meet new friends and colleagues, network and build relationships.
- Choose one week or attend both to immerse in an intensive experience together over time and distance.
Write your awesome label here.
explore dreaming together - immerse and follow process
learn, share, deepen, grow - recharge for the work you need to do
learn, share, deepen, grow - recharge for the work you need to do
Processwork guides you to follow your dreams, unlock your potential, deepen your relationships and excel in your professional life.
Processwork Can Help You:
Discover the messages and new directions hidden in your dreams and body symptoms.
Broaden your perspective by learning to better understand other points of view.
Find meaning in obstacles and disturbances.
Feel more connected to yourself, your community and the world. Be a part of something.
Enter altered states of consciousness and gain distance from your everyday mind.
Access creativity and play.
Community Welcome
Community Welcome
The intensive is designed for anyone interested in discovering and exploring a greater sense of awareness, transformation, personal growth and community.
Ideal For the Following:
Therapists, Counselors, Alternative Healing Practitioners
Therapists, Counselors, Alternative Healing Practitioners
Coaches, Managers, Team Leaders, Facilitators,
Org. Consultants
Coaches, Managers, Team Leaders, Facilitators,
Org. Consultants
-Access innovative, nonlinear methods for creative problem solving
-Refine your awareness and ability to integrate new information
-Expand your teamwork toolkit with relationship and conflict facilitation practices
Community Activists and Leaders
- Encounter and work with new inner and outer resources for change
- Discover innovative tools for remaining centered and resilient
- Build emotional capacity and new practices for tackling burnout
Processworkers, Diplomates, Grads & Students
- Find community and colleagues to support your process oriented approach and practice
- Keep refining your skills and practice of process-oriented techniques
- Stay up to date and refreshed with supportive professional continuing education
A Message on Scheduling for This Year
Calendar of Events
Course Offerings and Schedule
NOTE* - Courses are Presented at Multiple Times to Accommodate a World Audience Across Different Time Zones. Attend As Many as You Wish or Watch the Daily Video Recordings.
All Course Dates and Times Indicated are Based on Portland, OR USA
Current Date and Time in Portland is:
Use This Handy Tool To Determine
Course Times Where You Live
Week 1
January 16-22
Week 2
January 23-29
Week 3
Jan. 30 - Feb. 3
Meet The Instructors
Write your awesome label here.
Private course site and workshop recordings available through March 31, 2022
Learn in Community
Online Discussion Space
Small Group Work
An Online Intensive - What You Can Expect
- The opportunity to hear and learn from the founders of the work - Arny and Amy Mindell - on the opening day,
- Lectures and presentations from 16 international teachers from all over the world.
- Experiential opportunities: to work in dyads, small groups and with one another
- Witness working “in the middle” with spot light on teacher and participant/s.
- Experience experts working with individuals, couples, groups is a phenomenal way to to study and learn process work.
- A chance to be with other learners who are curious and enthusiastic about this work.
- Plenty of documents, handouts, exercises and literature over the course of the intensive to keep and review.
- In the small groups that you will be put in, you will get to know a group of participants more deeply, facilitated by a process work diplomat.
- A chance to be part of large group processes facilitated and taught by two seasoned Processwork instructors.
What Our Students Have to Say
It is a joy to experience being taught so well. I believe the impact of the teaching is magnified by the material of PW: I think we are essentially being taught skills and tools to know ourselves better; how to use and fill out more of our humanness.
The intensive was like a nudge (or, sometimes, a straight out shove) for things to start moving and working, and they're still moving and working, and gaining momentum, and I have no idea where anything is going, and that's probably what I love the most.
The opportunity to work deeply on yourself, on relationships, on the world, on the body and movement and altered states, means having a diverse and multi-layered inner and outer experience as well.
Now is a Great Time to Start Your Processwork Journey
Space is Limited
Sign Up Today
Hear Some of Our Graduates Share Their Processwork Experiences Below
Early Registration - $1450 Until Dec. 17th - Use Discount Code: WIEARLYDec17
Financial Equity
PWI recognizes the global financial disparities that unequally impact people's opportunities to participate. PWI offers equity options whenever possible. If you wish to attend but are impacted by financial disadvantage, please contact us via email at: pwi@processwork.org
PWI recognizes the global financial disparities that unequally impact people's opportunities to participate. PWI offers equity options whenever possible. If you wish to attend but are impacted by financial disadvantage, please contact us via email at: pwi@processwork.org
Important Participation Information
Important Participation Information