17 Days of Growth and Community

The 2022 Processwork
Winter Intensive

Resources, Tools, Training and Support
for Personal and Collective Transformation

January 16 - February 3, 2022
100 Online Training Hours
experiential - online - immersive - intimate
Resource the Work You Need to Do 

Includes Case Supervision with Arnold Mindell!
January 21st, 6.30-9.30pm Pacific

Early Registration - $1450 Until Dec. 17th - Use Discount Code: WIEARLYDec17

Discover Processwork through a transformational, experiential introduction to ideas,
practices and tools for personal and collective transformation.

What is Process Oriented Psychology?

Process Oriented Psychology supports individuals, relationships and groups to discover themselves.
Processwork uses awareness to track emerging psychological and physical processes that can illuminate and help to resolve inner and outer issues including personal growth and the facilitation of relationship, team, and world challenges.  
Process Oriented Psychology is an evolving, trans-disciplinary approach to change facilitation and a multicultural, multi-level awareness practice for individuals, relationships, and organizations in all states of consciousness.  
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What if you could?

17 DAys in January - 2022 Introductory Intensive
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Discover Processwork

The 2022 Processwork Intensive Course offers a comprehensive introduction to the essentials of Processwork theory, skills, and metaskills. With lectures, experiential exercises, demonstrations, group processes and community building, we will guide you on a journey through the depths of Processwork and its various applications. Topics we will cover include Processwork fundamentals, dream and bodywork, relationship and family therapy, small and large group work, and working with non-ordinary states of consciousness such as those found in addictions and extreme states. 

A Deeply Intimate Introduction

Engage with a group of international learners over 17 Days to immerse, renew, connect and recharge. 
Each week supports live workshop access for multiple time zones, and all workshops are available via video recordings. 
Catch up with recordings for classes that you can't attend live. Share your learnings and ask questions through the confidential course discussion space. 

  • Explore practical, skill building, experiential techniques, exercises and theory.
  • Integrate your learnings and insights with closing session: innerwork, open seat and group process.
  • Meet new friends and colleagues, network and build relationships.
  • Choose one week or attend both to immerse in an intensive experience together over time and distance. 

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explore dreaming together - immerse and follow process
learn, share, deepen, grow - recharge for the work you need to do

Experience Processwork

Processwork guides you to follow your dreams, unlock your potential, deepen your relationships and excel in your professional life.

Processwork Can Help You:

  • Discover the messages and new directions hidden in your dreams and body symptoms.
  • Broaden your perspective by learning to better understand other points of view.
  • Find meaning in obstacles and disturbances.
  • Feel more connected to yourself, your community and the world. Be a part of something.
  • Enter altered states of consciousness and gain distance from your everyday mind.
  • Access creativity and play.

Community Welcome

The intensive is designed for anyone interested in discovering and exploring a greater sense of awareness, transformation, personal growth and community.

- Discover and identify unexpected and transformative resources you can tap into.

- Explore the meaning of your dreams, body symptoms, fantasies and addictive tendencies.

- Learn more about your relationship style and find new ways for intimacy and connection.

Ideal For the Following:

Therapists, Counselors, Alternative Healing Practitioners

- Broaden your toolkit with body-based, depth psychology and imaginative mindfulness practices

- Help shift your client's perspective from a victim role to empowerment by identifying with the emerging process

- Find out how to make your own perceptions and experience relevant for your client

Coaches, Managers, Team Leaders, Facilitators,
Org. Consultants

-Access innovative, nonlinear methods for creative problem solving

-Refine your awareness and ability to integrate new information

-Expand your teamwork toolkit with relationship and conflict facilitation practices

Community Activists and Leaders

- Encounter and work with new inner and outer resources for change

- Discover innovative tools for remaining centered and resilient

- Build emotional capacity and new practices for tackling burnout

Processworkers, Diplomates, Grads & Students

- Find community and colleagues to support your process oriented approach and practice

- Keep refining your skills and practice of process-oriented techniques

- Stay up to date and refreshed with supportive professional continuing education


Work With and Learn From an
Experienced International Team 

- 100 Contact Hours Over 17 Days
- Experiential - Online - Immersive
- Attend Live or With Class Recordings

Includes Case Supervision with Arnold Mindell!
January 21st, 6.30-9.30pm Pacific
Early Registration - $1450 Until Dec. 17th - Use Discount Code: WIEARLYDec17

A Message on Scheduling for This Year

Calendar of Events

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Course Offerings and Schedule

NOTE* - Courses are Presented at Multiple Times to Accommodate a World Audience Across Different Time Zones. Attend As Many as You Wish or Watch the Daily Video Recordings.
All Course Dates and Times Indicated are Based on Portland, OR USA

Current Date and Time in Portland is:

Use This Handy Tool To Determine
Course Times Where You Live

Week 1

 January 16-22


3 Sessions

SUNDAY: 4 - 6pm
MONDAY: 10am - 1pm
MONDAY: 3 - 6pm

with Arnold and
Amy Mindell


2 Sessions Per Day

10am - 1pm
3 - 6pm

10am - 1pm
3 - 6pm

10am - 1pm
3 - 6pm


Venetia Bouronikou
& Susan Kocen
(Tues/Weds - AM)

Lynn Lobo &
Hellene Gronda
(Tues/Weds - PM)

Suzette Payne
(Thurs - AM & PM)




2 Sessions

10am - 12:30pm
with Lily Vassiliou

3 - 5:30pm
with Errol Amerasekera

Week 2

January 23-29


2 Sessions Per Day

10am - 1pm
3 - 6pm

10am - 1pm
3  - 6pm

Jai Tomlin (AM)
Pierre Morin (PM)


2 Sessions Per Day

10am - 1pm
3 - 6pm

10am - 1pm
3 - 6pm

Dawn Menken (AM)
Gary Reiss (PM)


2 Sessions

10am - 12:30pm
with Lily Vassiliou

3 - 5:30pm
with Errol Amerasekera

Week 3

Jan. 30 - Feb. 3


2 Sessions

10am - 1pm
3 - 6pm

With Ingrid Rose


2 Sessions
10am - 1pm
3 - 6pm

With Amy Mindell 


2 Sessions Per Day
10am - 1pm
3 - 6pm
10am - 1pm
3 - 6pm

 Kate Jobe (AM)
Kas Robinson (PM)


2 Sessions

10am - 12:30pm
with Lily Vassiliou

3 - 5:30pm
with Errol Amerasekera


Meet The Instructors

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Amy & Arny Mindell

(with Arny & Amy)
JANUARY 16 @ 4 - 6pm
JANUARY 17 @ 10am - 1pm
JANUARY 17 @ 3 - 6pm

(with Arny)
JANUARY 21 @ 6.30 - 9.30PM

(with Amy)
JANUARY 31 @ 10am - 1pm
JANUARY 31 @ 3 - 6pm

Amy is a therapist and teacher in Portland and teaches with Arny around the world. She recently wrote a book called Your Unique Facilitator Style: Explore Your Special Gifts and Powers as a Facilitator, Therapist, Teacher, Coach and Helper. She is passionately interested in the development of the therapist’s unique style. She is a musician, dancer, singer, and creator of whimsical puppets. 

Arny developed processwork and enjoys skiing and running. He loves studying nature, following nature and writing and teaching about this around the world. 


For additional information about both Arny and Amy, please visit their website: www.aamindell.net

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Dawn Menken

JANUARY 25 @ 10am - 1pm
JANUARY 26 @ 10am - 1pm

is a certified Process worker, an internationally respected educator, therapist, leadership coach, and conflict resolution specialist. She was a founding member for Process Work schools in both Zurich and Portland and has been a co-creator of Process Work programs worldwide. Dawn is the author of 3 books and creator of Teens Rise Up (TRU), a cutting-edge program that empowers and educates young people to step into their leadership, engage in honest dialogue and co-create more welcoming school communities. Dawn is a thought leader and change agent who brings her gifts to a variety of sectors. In all of her endeavors she is moved to improve social discourse and inspire more meaningful civic engagement.
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Ingrid Rose

JANUARY 30 @ 10am - 1pm
JANUARY 30 @ 3 - 6pm

Ingrid has spent the past 4 decades exploring various modalities that enhance human potential and growth, all of which contribute to her eclectic style and method in working with others. She has had extensive experience teaching Process Work to many groups in Portland and all over the world. As well as being a clinical supervisor and faculty member at PWI, Ingrid also has a private practice in which she works with a large range of presentations, as well as presenting to groups on diversity issues and conflict situations.
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Susan Kocen

JANUARY 18 @ 10am - 1pm
JANUARY 19 @ 10am - 1pm

Susan (she/her) met Process Work 27 years ago when a friend sent her Arny Mindell’s book Dreambody and her eclectic inner and outer worlds began to align. Identifying as an artist, she worked with the Organic food movement, became a doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine while studying Dreams, dreaming, symptoms and the dreambody. She is a member of the Faculty at PWI, an educator, practitioner and facilitator of the paradigm. Her areas of interest include creativity, death and dying, burning the wood of our personal history, dreams, near death experiences and the altered states of aging. 
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Venetia Bouronikou 

JANUARY 18 @ 10am - 1pm
JANUARY 19 @ 10am - 1pm

Venetia (she/her), MA, Dipl. PW is a Psychologist and certified Processworker, based in Athens Greece. She has 20 years of experience working as a therapist with individuals and couples, group facilitator, and trainer, locally and internationally.Venetia is passionate about bringing awareness to inner/outer diversity issues, equity and justice and the interconnectedness of personal and social change.She collaborates with various organizations that work with refugees and immigrants in Greece and abroad, providing group supervision, conflict resolution and support, and she is a member of the scientific committee and trainer in “Orlando LGBT+ Mental Health Without Stigma”.Venetia co-authored “Dreaming Into Community. A Guidebook to Worldwork”, a Graphic Novel on group facilitation and conflict resolution, based on the Worldwork seminar held in Greece in 2017.Nature and music are her invaluable allies, companions and teachers.

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Suzette Payne


JANUARY 20 @ 10am - 1pm
JANUARY 20 @ 3 - 6pm

Suzette is a Faculty member of PWI. She has a private practice with a focus on personal growth, trauma, addictions, dreaming, creativity, empowerment and relationship issues. She has a passion for Worldwork, and is a member of the Worldwork Committee for IAPOP. Suzette helped develop and is on the Advisory Board for the Open Studio Project, a non-for-profit arts organization and gallery, serving community social justice issues for children and adults with creative healing and awareness. She is passionate about community healing, nature, play, art process, Worldwork and a co-creative unfolding of our deepest dreaming together.
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Lynn Lobo

JANUARY 18 @ 3 - 6pm
JANUARY 19 @ 3 - 6pm

Lynn is a practicing visual artist, graphic novelist and visual thinker. They have had a long, parallel career as a doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine and a psychotherapist. Lynn is now a member of faculty at PWI. Lynn’s area of teaching interest is in dreams, body symptoms and worldwork. They are particularly interested in how our dreambody is expressed through the arts, and can help humanity.
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Kate Jobe

FEBRUARY 1 @ 10am - 1pm
FEBRUARY 2 @ 10am - 1pm

Kate is a counselor and a coach working with clients from various corners of the world online or in my office in Zürich. She is a Certified Processworker since 1990 and a trainer in Process Work at the Institut für Processarbeit (Institute for Processwork) in Zürich also at the Process Work Institute in Portland, Oregon. I am also an Associate Certified Coach with the International Coaching Federation. She teaches seminars, supervises professionals and offers therapy and supervision to students in various other training programs.
Her great love, which rests on my background as a dancer and choreographer, is using everyday movement in individual and group settings to help unfold the deep wisdom that comes through movement and physical sensation. She facilitates life’s most challenging problems using a combination of Processwork and performance to find answers and insights, and new powers and potentials. She lives in Switzerland in Winterthur, a city 20 minutes by train from Zürich.
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Lily Vassiliou

JANUARY 22 @ 10am - 12:30pm
JANUARY 29 @ 10am - 12:30pm
FEBRUARY 3 @ 10am - 12:30pm

Lily is a processwork practitioner, trainer, facilitator, and community worker with a passion for the interconnection between personal and social change. She completed university studies in Social Work and doctoral studies in Psychology, and trained in Systems Theory, Group Dynamics, and Processwork. Lily lives in Greece and works locally and internationally. Together with colleagues. Lily brought Processwork to Greece, and co-founded Processwork Greece and Processwork Hub. She is the co-designer and dean of the Greek Diploma training program, and a core faculty member of the Spanish Diploma training program of La Escuela, of Trabajo de Procesos y Democracia Profunda in Barcelona, Spain. Lily's passion is Worldwork – the application of processwork to working with groups, organisations and communities – which involves working with power and rank, diversity and communication issues to create sustainable relationships, and raise the awareness that is needed to bring about systemic change.
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Hellene Gronda

JANUARY 18 @3 - 6pm
JANUARY 19 @ 3 - 6pm

Hellene Gronda PhD (Cultural Studies), Processwork Diplomate, has a life-long interest in personal and social change, based in a commitment to awareness, authenticity and co-creating a world in which we can all belong. Hellene first encountered Processwork when she was 16 through a profound and life-orienting seminar. Processwork has been a guiding paradigm for her personal and professional life, allowing her to integrate her organizational skills and experience, her philosophical interest in body awareness practices, and her passion for socio-political analysis and a process-oriented approach to social change. Born in Greece, raised in Australia, and currently living in Portland, Hellene is an experienced leader, manager and administrator with over 15 years experience in academic, nonprofit and public sector leadership positions.

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Gary Reiss

JANUARY 25 @ 3 - 6pm
JANUARY 26 @ 3 - 6pm

Gary holds an LCSW, PhD., and is a certified trainer in Process-oriented Psychology. Gary has a private practice in Eugene and Portland, Oregon, and teaches Process oriented Psychology worldwide. He is a senior faculty member at the Process Work Institute. His specialties include family therapy, sex therapy, working with coma patients, Worldwork in hot spots in the world, organizational development, and integrating Processwork with different spiritual traditions.
Gary is the author of 10 books including his latest: Love, Power and Wisdom.
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Pierre Morin

JANUARY 23 @ 3 - 6pm
JANUARY 24 @ 3 - 6pm

Pierre Morin currently works with refugees and trauma survivors in a community outpatient mental health setting, in Portland Oregon. As a physician in Switzerland Pierre worked in the fields of coma and brain injury recovery and psychosocial medicine. Pierre is author of “Health in Sickness and Sickness in Health” in which he shares his ideas about valuing health and sickness, and discovering our diversity, which includes processes that go beyond the narrow margins of conventional health and normality. He has also written “Big Medicine: Transforming Your Relationship with your Body, Health and community, and co-wrote with Gary Reiss, “Inside Coma: A New View of Awareness, Healing and Hope.” He is an international coach and trainer of Process-oriented Psychology and the current co-president of the international association of Process-oriented Psychology (IAPOP).
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Jai Tomlin

JANUARY 23 @ 10am - 1pm
JANUARY 24 @ 10am - 1pm

Jai is on faculty at the Process Work Institute of Portland and is a Diplomate member of IAPOP, the International Association of Process Oriented Psychology. She has been a chiropractic physician and functional medicine doctor for over 30 years. As a facilitator and coach, she helps individuals and organizations to develop leadership skills, embrace change, and transform conflict. She enjoys teaching and modeling the Dreambody approach: understanding body symptoms and dreams as messengers with a purpose, from our deepest self. She is dedicated to raising awareness about racism, climate change and empowering people in their own unique leadership style.
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Errol Amerasekera

JANUARY 22 @ 3 - 5:30pm
JANUARY 29 @ 3 - 5:30pm
FEBRUARY 3 @ 3 - 5:30pm

Errol Amerasekera has a Masters degree in Conflict Facilitation and Organisational Change and works primarily within elite sport, in the areas of culture, leadership and high-performance. He also has a B.Sci., a B.App.Sci. and is a Diplomate in Process Oriented Psychology. Errol has over 15 years experience working as a consultant, trainer and senior facilitator. He has worked with organisations, schools, NGOs, as well as in international war zones such as Sri-Lanka. 
Errol is a keynote speaker on the connection between leadership, culture and high-performance and the value of a human-centric and relationship focused approach to sustained success.
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Kas Robinson

FEBRUARY 1 @ 3 - 6pm
FEBRUARY 2 @ 3 - 6pm

Kas is originally from New Zealand and has lived in Portland for 20 years. She has been a faculty member at the Process Work Institute of Portland since 2007, and is a clinical director at a behavioral healthcare agency where she’s responsible for clinical programs, staff supervision and work with clients.

Kas loves Process Work’s deep
respect for the diversity of human nature and for diving into the mysteries and challenges of life. She likes to engage in creative expression through improvisational theatre and is inspired by the calm, unpredictable, and wild rhythms of nature.
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Private course site and workshop recordings available through March 31, 2022


Learn in Community

Online Discussion Space

Share with other participants and faculty - make comments, ask questions, share photos and links, communicate research, ideas, connect and go deeper together

Small Group Work

Facilitated small groups provide an additional learning context during the intensive. Along with the large group classes, participants will meet in facilitated small groups to provide an intimate container for further learning, practice, support, and community-building. 
Participants will meet together in facilitated small groups for 12 hours over the course of the intensive, scheduled to be accessible across different time zones. 

An Online Intensive - What You Can Expect

  • The opportunity to hear and learn from the founders of the work - Arny and Amy Mindell - on the opening day, 
  • Lectures and presentations from 16 international teachers from all over the world.
  • Experiential opportunities: to work in dyads, small groups and with one another
  • Witness working “in the middle” with spot light on teacher and participant/s. 
  • Experience experts working with individuals, couples, groups is a phenomenal way to to study and learn process work.
  • A chance to be with other learners who are curious and enthusiastic about this work.
  • Plenty of documents, handouts, exercises and literature over the course of the intensive to keep and review.
  • In the small groups that you will be put in, you will get to know a group of participants more deeply, facilitated by a process work diplomat.
  • A chance to be part of large group processes facilitated and taught by two seasoned Processwork instructors.

What Our Students Have to Say

It is a joy to experience being taught so well. I believe the impact of the teaching is magnified by the material of PW: I think we are essentially being taught skills and tools to know ourselves better; how to use and fill out more of our humanness.
The intensive was an opportunity to get to work with so many different teachers, facilitators and counselors; to experiment and practice with peers; to attend small groups for deepening, digesting and connecting. I loved it!
The intensive was like a nudge (or, sometimes, a straight out shove) for things to start moving and working, and they're still moving and working, and gaining momentum, and I have no idea where anything is going, and that's probably what I love the most.
A truly remarkable opportunity to engage in deep development and transformation on many levels while learning about Processwork and its many applications!
The opportunity to work deeply on yourself, on relationships, on the world, on the body and movement and altered states, means having a diverse and multi-layered inner and outer experience as well.
I love the Intensive Course! There’s always a rich mixture of participants from all over the world, bringing their own cultures and individual perspectives. With the world going through such big changes, it is inspiring to learn and grow together as a global community.

Now is a Great Time to Start Your Processwork Journey 

Space is Limited
Sign Up Today

Early Registration - $1450 Until Dec. 17th - Use Discount Code: WIEARLYDec17

Discover Processwork through a transformational, experiential introduction to ideas, practices and tools for personal and collective transformation.
Financial Equity
PWI recognizes the global financial disparities that unequally impact people's opportunities to participate. PWI offers equity options whenever possible. If you wish to attend but are impacted by financial disadvantage, please contact us via email at: pwi@processwork.org

Important Participation Information

Privacy & Recordings

Workshops are recorded to provide on demand access and the opportunity to review and study deeply over time.   Please be aware that workshops are recorded (except for break out groups). If you speak or show your camera, you will become part of the limited time recording, available to other enrolled participants  via the course site. Course site and workshop recordings available until March 31, 2022.


The Intensive is a confidential, adult learning environment. Participant privacy and confidentiality is extremely important for everyone's safety and learning. Please ensure that you keep other participant's personal information private and confidential and do not share identifying details beyond the course participant group. 

Experiential Training

The Leadership Intensive is a confidential, adult learning environment focused on personal and community transformation. The activities may elicit emotional and psychological stress. If you have experienced psychological difficulties either in the past or present that may impact your participation, please consider carefully if this event is right for you. While all care is taken to support individuals, each person is responsible for their own needs and boundaries. By registering for the Intensive, you agree to take personal responsibility for your experience and to seek out support if you need it. 

English Language

The Intensive is taught in English, with an awareness and sensitivity to the experience of those for whom English may be a second (or third or fourth) language. We welcome a multilingual group and ask for shared awareness of the challenges of using English when it is a second language. Participants should ensure they are comfortable with their own level of understanding of English conversation and instruction. 

Why Processwork?
Check Out This Short Video Produced by
The Institute for Processwork in Switzerland

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