Experience Processwork

The Open Forum Series

Six Open Forums
June - August 2022

Join us for space to talk about
 Racial Justice and the Climate Emergency

Led & facilitated by PWI Board Members
Diane Wong, Amy Palatnick and Irina Feygina with friends

The Open Forum Series offers a transformational community-held experience of listening and receiving each other as we focus on social issues that matter.  As the world continues to face unprecedented challenges, we offer this space to process the world's feelings and voices, hopes, and dreams. We aim to move from hopelessness to empowerment and freedom by engaging with the dreaming background to community issues.

Join us this June - August for a series of facilitated open forums focusing on racial justice and the climate emergency, led and facilitated by members of the Process Work Institute's Board of Directors.

Towards Justice and Respect
let's co-create a different story

We do not need leaders who can change the world because of their personal power, because change is inherent in people and nature.

Our communities need our essential selves and our awareness, not our power, to notice and track such changes.
Arnold Mindell, The Deep Democracy of Open Forums
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What is an Open Forum?

An Open Forum is a community invitation to listen and to be heard on social issues that matter to us.

Expect to:
  • Listen deeply to experiences that you may not yet understand
  • Share your perspectives and experiences
  • Find the common ground of community by getting to know the other as yourself
  • Embody your commitment to co-creating a different story
  • Create space for all parts of our experience including intense feelings, dreams, intuition and body experiences
  • Take responsibility for your own participation and experience of safety

Six Open Forums intended to create space for awareness of diverse experiences

improvised - experimental - collaborative

Wed, June 8, 4-6pm Pacific 7-9pm Eastern

Irina Feygina, Bill Say and Susan Hatch

Climate Change & Processwork

Staying Connected to Dreaming amidst Crisis

Sat, June 25, 10-12noon Pacific, 1pm - 3pm Eastern

Diane Wong and Amy Palatnick

Let's talk about race

How do we heal our racial divide?

Sat, July 16, 2-4pm Pacific, 5-7pm Eastern 

Irina Feygina and Susan Hatch

Climate Change & Processwork

Finding Your Power

Wed, July 27, 4-6pm Pacific 7-9pm Eastern 

Diane Wong and Jordana Hart

Let's talk about race

Are you racist?

Sat, Aug 13, 10-12noon Pacific, 1pm - 3pm Eastern 

Diane Wong and Lane Arye

Let's talk about race

Racism around the world - how is it where you live?

Mon, Aug 22, 10am-12noon Pacific, 1-3pm Eastern 

Irina Feygina and Bill Say

Climate Change & Processwork

Creating a Coherent Vision for Collective Action

Justice and Respect

Experience Processwork: The Open FORUM SERIES 2022

Meet our facilitators

Irina Feygina

Facilitator, PWI Board Member
Irina Feygina, PhD is a process-oriented facilitator and social psychologist who supports individuals and groups to deepen self-awareness, strengthen relationships and communication, and embrace conflict as a doorway into discovery and transformation. Her passion is applying these tools to support climate change mitigation and sustainability efforts.

Diane Wong

Facilitator, PWI Board Member
Diane Wong is a graduate of Harvard Law School, Yogi, Co-host of Let’s Talk About Race; Founder and Director of The Racial Justice Collaborative, and Board Member of the Process Work Institute.  

Amy Palatnick

Amy Palatnick is a Processwork therapist, coach, and facilitator. She is passionate about organizing and proliferating Open Forums to engage the global community for group sharing, healing, and transformation. www.amypalatnick.com

Lane Arye

Lane Arye, PhD is a senior Processwork trainer, founding PWI faculty, and member of the Racial Justice Collaborative. Lane partners with people to help create more inner and outer freedom and wholeness.

Jordana A. Hart

Jordana Hart is an Attorney, specializing in US immigration law and a facilitator of race dialogues focused on destroying white supremacy and anti-Blackness.

Bill Say

Bill Say, M.A., brings over twenty years of experience to the intersection of diversity awareness training, conflict resolution, and community building, including work in Asia, Europe and the Middle East, and adjunct faculty at CIIS and PWI. www.billsay.com

Susan Hatch

Susan Hatch is co-founder and current President of Australia New Zealand Process Oriented Psychology. She is a long time member of the Worldwork staff team, and trains facilitators and therapists in Processwork in person and online. A process-oriented supervisor, she works with individuals, treatment teams, and organisational groups in government and NGOs. She is committed to sharing the gift of Processwork as deeply and as widely as she can. www.susanhatch.com/

Celebrating our friends at RJC

The Racial Justice Collaborative (RJC)

RJC is a dynamic Black-led, multi-racial, multi-generational justice organization working to transform the energies of inequality and anti-blackness to advance a just and equitable society that serves all of its people. RJC members are mediators, facilitators, communicators, educators, therapists, and visionaries.

The Racial Justice Collaborative was founded by Diane Wong in the Boston area of Massachusetts, and members hail from all over the US. 

Write your awesome label here.
Using an interdisciplinary approach, RJC members examine all aspects of race education and conflict to hold space so that all voices engage in dialogue with one another. RJC cultivates individual and organizational transformation as they guide participants toward equity and healing.

Find out more: www.racialjusticecollaborative.com

Watch Conflict Resolution and Open Forum Experiences Around the World - Arny & Amy Mindell

Amy and Arnold Mindell speak about their worldwork and open forum work. They define "deep democracy", showing it to be democracy's next step. Thanks to the Academy of Arts and Sciences, Yachats, Oregon, USA.
Write your awesome label here.
Experience Processwork 

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Experience Processwork

Processwork guides you to follow your awareness, explore the meaning of your dreams and body experiences, deepen your relationships, and contribute to your community.

Processwork Can Help You:

  • Discover the messages and new directions hidden in your dreams and body symptoms.
  • Broaden your perspective by learning to better understand other points of view.
  • Find meaning in obstacles and disturbances.
  • Feel more connected to yourself, your community and the world. Be a part of something.
  • Enter altered states of consciousness and gain distance from your everyday mind.
  • Access creativity and play.
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